Specialty Bird Food

While a standard birdfeeding offering of sunflower seed (or a sunflower-based blend) is usually the best place to start when attracting birds, using other foods can increase both the number and diversity of birds you see in your yard.

Jim's Birdacious® Bark Butter®

Now every tree is a bird feeder with Jim's Birdacious® Bark Butter®! This spreadable suet has attracted 143 species and counting (46 of which can be found in the Lower Mainland)!

Other Birdacious® Bark Butter® products include: Bark Butter® Bits, Suet Plugs, and Suet Cakes.



Cylinders & Stackables

Available in no-mess and shelled varieties, our cylinders and stackables will attract many of the same birds that normal seed feeders will. Cylinders are the easiest, lest fussy way to feed your birds. All you do is take off the packaging and place it on your cylinder feeder! 

Seed cylinders are available in three sizes to best fit your needs, and suet cylinders are available in two. Try mixing and matching suet and seed stackables to find the perfect combination for your birds!




Add a peanut feeder to attract birds such as bushtits, jays, chickadees, woodpeckers and nuthatches. Along with seed and suet, all of these birds will eat peanut pieces out of the shell, which are high in fat and protein.

Peanuts in the shell are typically used for feeding squirrels and some of the larger billed birds such as jays. It is fun to watch the behavior and antics of birds that come to peanut feeders. Peanuts can be offered in mesh feeders, on platform feeders and in a variety of other specialty feeders.




Hot Pepper Products

Keep squirrels away from your feeders! Hot pepper is a great tool to use to help keep you at the top of your bird-feeding game because people, rodents and other mammals feel the burn when eating hot peppers, but the birds do not!

Available in a wide range of products to fit your bird feeding needs, take home a hot pepper suet, seed, or cylinder and see the difference it can make!




These protein-packed morsels will be attractive to many birds including Bluebirds, Wrens, Towhees, Woodpeckers, Nuthatches, and Thrushes.

All of our mealworms are freeze dried and can be placed in their own feeder, in a dish or tray feeder, or mixed in a seed blend.

Not available online, call us to order! (604) 736-2676