Seasonally Appropriate Seed Blends; How to Supercharge with SuperBlends!

 Birds have a fascinating and hectic yearly schedule, and their unique needs can change wildly throughout it! You can give your backyard birds a jumpstart during these critical points in their lives by offering one of our specially developed seed blends either on its own, or as a supplement to your current feeding routine.



Winter SuperBlend

Winter is one of the best times to feed the birds! Not only is it a chance to help birds get the necessary fats for surviving longer nights and colder temperatures, but it's also a good time to see a variety of birds visiting you're feeders. 

This high-fat seed blend is specifically formulated to provide birds the essential energy and fats needed to survive whatever winter throws at them by being jam-packed full of pecans, peanuts, tree nuts, sunflower chips, Bark Butter Bits and more. It's highly attractive to a wide variety of birds and is available as loose seed in a 7lb resealable bag, or as a seed cylinder.

What's In the Bag?

  • Sunflower Chips - They act as the base of the formula and are beloved by all your backyard songbirds (and bigger birds as well, like Northern Flickers!)
  • Pecans, Peanuts, and Tree Nuts - A wonderful source of protein and healthy fats for your birds.
  • Bark Butter Bits - Suet pieces infused with calcium bring even more protein and fat right when our birds need it most. Calcium helps to support feather and bone development, as well as jumpstarts birds for when they begin to nest.


Did You Know?

  • Stored body fat is the primary energy supply that fuels a bird between meals, through cold winter nights and throughout migration.
  • Songbirds may use up to ¾ of their fat reserves during one winter night! If sources of high-fat foods are available, they can entirely replenish those fat reserves during the next day. In some birds this can amount to a 10% fluctuation in their daily body weight.
  • High fat foods also provide many of the dietary pigments birds need to impart color in their feathers. These pigment create feather colors that range from red, orange, and yellows to violet.
  • Our backyard suet feeders provide a direct source of high energy fat and many seeds (sunflower, safflower and nyjer) provide high levels of fat due to their substantial oil content.


Nesting SuperBlend

During nesting season, the need for protein and calcium increases substantially for birds through periods of egg-laying, while they raise their young, and go through their post-nesting molt. Obtaining a sufficient amount of these nutrients determines the number of eggs a mother bird is able to produce as well as impacts the health of her young, as protein is crucial for their muscle and feather development.

What's In the Bag?

  • Sunflower Chips - They act as the base of the formula and are beloved by all your backyard songbirds (and bigger birds as well, like Northern Flickers!)
  • Mealworms - A protein party! Mealworms are the ever-popular choice for nesting birds to increase their protein intake, as well as to offer something for them to take back to the nest for their young.
  • Bark Butter Bits - Suet pieces infused with calcium. Calcium is crucial during nesting time, as it's directly responsible for the formation of strong egg shells and healthy chicks. After they're finished nesting, calcium is needed for our birds first yearly molt!
  • Peanuts and Tree Nuts - A wonderful source of protein and healthy fats for your birds.


Did You Know?

  • Calcium is the most challenging mineral for birds because when they need calcium, - they need a lot of it and they need it right now! Besides the increased need, many natural foods are often calcium deficient.
  • As the nestlings grow, the high-protein content is crucial for muscle and feather development. Protein requirements are highest for a bird until they reach their adult size and weight. This often happens after they have fledged from the nest.
  • Feathers are made of more than 90% protein, primarily keratins.
  • Molting is when a bird replaces some (partial molt) or all (full molt) of its feathers. This complicated process requires a lot of energy and may take up to eight weeks to complete. Molting is so physically demanding for most ducks and geese that they can't fly and will molt in seclusion to avoid predators.