Share Your Photos!

Thanks to our customers for sharing these wonderful photos of birds and other backyard critters!

If you'd like to see your photos posted here, send them via email to: Please send in .jpg format and be sure to include your name and city. By submitting your photos, you are giving Wild Birds Unlimited permission to use the image on our web site, in our emails to customers, or in-store.

Wood Duck at Reifel Bird Sanctuary 

wood duck

 Hummingbirds on WBU Hummingbird feeder on Savory Island 

Savory Island Hummingbirds

Kildeer at Harbourside park. Photograph from Diana Kendrick 



This is how Eric, 6 years old, feels when he is watching birds 

 How Eric Feels about Birds



Pileated Woodpecker taken by John Nicholls on Savary Island

Bullock's Oriole_Laura Dent

Bullock's Oriole taken by Laura Dent in the North Okanagan.

Varied Thrush

Betsy Harrison's Magnificent photo of a Varied Thrush in the West End.


Rufous Hummingbirds

Alex Melville has become addicted to Hummingbird photos in the Howe Sound area.



Masterly framing of a Kingfisher at Ambleside by Brian Kim.


Al Grass Chick-a-Hummer

Al Grass has a new visitor at one of his hummingbird feeders.....a Chick-a-Hummer?


Darlene Holmes' sunset hummers

Darlene has a charming photo of hummers at sunset.

Jennifer Clay Xmas

A male Anna's on Christmas Day in Vancouver. Photo by Jennifer Clay.

Kelvin Higo's Bushtits

A small flock of Bushtits share an upside down meal at Kelvin Higgs'.

Walter's Hummers

Window feeders work, as shown by these hummers at Walter's! WBU Decorative Window Hummer Feeder $44.95.


A charming photo by Rob Alexander of a White Crowned Sparrow singing his heart out

A charming photo by Rob Alexander of a White Crowned Sparrow singing his heart out.


Our newest North Van employee Kathy King captured this Northern Flicker dining on Bark Butter plugs

Cathy sent us this Northern Flicker dining on Bark Butter plugs


A rare Asian bird at Queens Park New Westminster: the Red-Flanked Bluetail

A rare Asian bird at Queens Park New Westminster: the Red-Flanked Bluetail. Photo by Mark Wynja.


A rare male Brambling at W. 17th

A rare male Brambling at W. 17th. Photo by Mark Wynja.


 Bullocks's Oriole: rarest of 130 species in the Christmas Bird count at Champlain Heights

Bullocks's Oriole: rarest of 130 species in the Christmas Bird count at Champlain Heights.


Ingo Neufeld's herons Christina Singh's herons

Ingo Neufeld (left) and Christina Singh (right) both entered lovely photos of the new Green Heron triplets at McLeery Golf course.


Dark-eyed Junco

Junco Nest

Janet Hirtle is having difficulty watering her planter in which late season Juncos are watching over their four eggs.


Barred Owl

A daylight Hunting Barred Owl by Carolyn Edy at Southlands.



Ruth and Sherry saw this Northern Shrike while walking near E.28th and Ontario.

Greater Yellowlegs

William Murdoch sighted this Greater Yellowlegs lunching on an unhappy Stickleback in Burnaby.

Anna's Hummingbird

A female Anna’s shows her long tongue at Lise Brayham’s WBU feeder.


herb's bird bath

Coming to a bird bath near you ! Herb Carter’s October bird bath in 100 Mile House.


Darlene Holmes year ‘round Northern Flicker family.

Short eared owl

Linda Aylesworth of Global TV, who made the video of Anna’s in Winter at the North Van store, sent us a number of photos she took on a recent trip to the Galapagos. This one of a Short-eared Owl was cute.

red footed booby

Red footed Booby. Another one of Linda Aylesworth’s photos from her Galapagos trip.

saw whet owl

Saw-whet Owl. A little Saw-whet Owl at Diane Fudger’s, in 70 Mile House.

young cooper's hawk

A handsome young Cooper’s Hawk in Rosemary and Terry Taylor’s backyard.

Mt. Bluebird

The WBU store in Billings Montana sent us this beautiful portrait of a Mountain Bluebird munching on mealworms.

Green Heron

When Al Grass announced the sighting of a Green Heron on his recent Maplewood walk, Rob Alexander and the rest of the trekkers hurried off to see it, while Rob made this great photo.

Lise Braham Wood Ducks – Always photogenic, Lise Brayhams photo of Wood Ducks

Lise Braham Wood Ducks – Always photogenic, Lise Brayhams photo of Wood Ducks
Always photogenic, Lise Brayham's photo of Wood Ducks.

Darlene Holmes has trained this Steller’s Jay to come to hand in Eagle Harbour, West Vancouver

Darlene Holmes has trained this Steller’s Jay to come to hand in Eagle Harbour, West Vancouver.


False Creek Anna’s – Super photo by Gunnel Barcos at False Creek

False Creek Anna’s – Super photo by Gunnel Barcos at False Creek.


Bark Butte Tanagers – Herb Carter at 100 mile house has good traffic at his Bark Butter setup with Tanagers and Grosbeaks in abundance

Bark Butter Tanagers – Herb Carter at 100 mile house has good traffic at his Bark Butter setup with Tanagers and Grosbeaks in abundance
Herb Carter at 100 mile house has good traffic at his Bark Butter setup with Tanagers and Grosbeaks in abundance.

Green Herons – Christina Singh spotted this Green Heron nesting near a pond on McLleery Golf Course

Green Herons – Christina Singh spotted this Green Heron nesting near a pond on McLleery Golf Course
Christina Singh spotted this Green Heron nesting near a pond on McLleery Golf Course.


Baby Hummingbird

A charming photo of a baby hummer from Peggy and Bruce Thomson.


A cold hearted rejection of young love or affection from Rhonda Fleming in Nelson B.C.