Quick-Clean® Seed Tube Feeders

Quick-Clean Seed Tube Feeder 

Easy to Enjoy, Easy to Clean Bird Feeders

Our Quick-Clean® Seed Tube Feeders are the absolute easiest to clean feeders on the market. A quick press of two buttons and the base pops off for easy access. It attracts birds such as finches, nuthatches, chickadees and woodpeckers and comes with a limited lifetime guarantee. 

Most birds that prefer to feed at an elevated feeder will visit a tube feeder; our tube feeders are popular because they come in a variety of sizes and seed capacities and efficiently dispense a wide variety of seed. We recommend one of our custom seed blends to attract the most birds to your seed tube feeder. We also offer a variety of accessories including trays and weather guards.

Quick-Clean Removeable Base



  • Quick-release removable base allows for easy cleaning
  • Can be hung or post-mounted
  • Plastic tube keeps seed dry
  • Available in four sizes: small, medium, large, and extra-large
  • Limited Lifetime Guarantee


Feeder Accessories

WBU Weather Guard

Our WBU Weather Guard sits on top of our WBU seed tube feeders to protect seed and birds from the rain and snow.

Comes in three different sizes


WBU Seed Tray

This tray attaches easily to the base of any seed, finch, or peanut tube feeder to catch seed and shells tossed aside by messy birds.

Comes in three different sizes (8 1/2", 10", and 12") 


Seed Tube with Weather Guard and Tray Seed Tube Tray



On-Guard Cage

Guard Against Squirrels and Large Birds

Take delight not only in seeing the finches, chickadees and other colorful birds you enjoy, but also in frustrating the squirrels, grackles, pigeons and starlings. With our On Guard™ cages, you control the size of bird that dines at your feeder. They allow small birds to go in and out to get their seed but stop larger birds and animals from entering.






EliminatorBust your Squirrels with a Squirrel Buster

Other squirrel-proof options include our WBU Fundamentals, Legacy, Standard and Eliminator squirrel-proof bird feeders.


Learn more about our squirrel-proof bird feeders here!