June Nature Happenings
Downy Woodpecker Chickadee Sharp-Shinned Hawk Purple Martin
- June is Perennial Garden Month & National Rivers Month
- Sharp-Shinned Hawk eggs hatch and fledglings make their first flights after 23 – 27 days.
- Purple Martin young fledge 28 – 35 days after hatching.
- Many loons lay two eggs during the last week of June.
- The Harlequin Ducks build nests along fast-flowing streams, then incubate their eggs for 28 – 29 days.
- Western Tanagers nest mid-month.
- Little Brown and Hoary Bats give birth to their young.
- Diminutive Daylilies and Bearded Iris in bloom.
- The striking orange Columbia Lily blooms.
- Young chickadees and Downy Woodpeckers follow their parents to suet feeders.
- Thimbleberry ripens and packs a lot of raspberry flavor into a soft cuplike fruit.
- The European forest plant, Wall Lettuce, blooms and releases its tiny parachutes.
- Bird migration is finished. Birds that are here now are summer residents that nest.