Birds use baths both for drinking and for bathing. Almost every species of bird in your yard will visit a birdbath, including both the common feeder-visiting birds and other birds that rarely or never visit feeders, such as robins. Our decorative bird baths are available in a variety of shapes, sizes and colors and are great for attracting birds not already visiting your feeders.
Bird Bath Selection
Some baths are simply dishes set on the ground, while others stand on pedestals, attach to deck railings, or can be hung. Your choice of bath will have some effect on the birds you attract: very small baths will discourage large birds; lower baths will be visited more often by ground-feeding birds such as sparrows and towhees. Choose a shallow basin to allow small songbirds to bathe in your bath. If the dish is too deep, stones (right) placed in the bath may encourage smaller birds to bathe safely. In general though, almost any bath that isn’t obviously too deep will attract birds—get whatever works in your yard.
Add some colour to your balcony or garden with a beautiful decorative glass bird bath. We have a variety of sizes and styles to choose from as well as matching decorative bird bath fountains.
Hanging or deck mounted bird baths are a great addition to a balcony or other small space. Other options include stake bird baths which can go into any garden or planter pot.

Birdbath Care
Birdbath water should be replaced every few days, with your exact frequency depending on bird usage, other sources of litter (i.e. overhanging trees), and water capacity (during summer heat, very shallow dishes may need to be refilled every day). If practical, giving your bath a quick rinse with your garden hose before each refilling will go a long way towards keeping it clean. If more serious cleaning is needed, the next step is to use a hard-bristled scrub brush (right) to remove grime before rinsing and refilling. This should be adequate for most cleaning; on occasion you may wish to apply a specialty bird-safe birdbath cleaning product or a low concentration (10% or less) bleach solution before scrubbing.
Bird Bath Accessories
Birds are more attracted to moving water than they are to still water. Add a fountain, dripper or mister, or a water wiggler to your bird bath to help attract birds to your yard.