August Nature Happenings
Grey Jay Steller's Jay Rufous Hummingbird Bullock's Oriole
- Loon chicks begin to dive for their own food.
- Gray Jays (aka Whiskey Jacks) are common at campsites where they are fearless.
- Bats begin mating in mid-August.
- American Widgeon and Surf Scoters arrive this month.
- Black-headed Grosbeaks, the earliest fall transient, depart, followed by the Bullock’s Oriole.
- Goldfinches nesting.
- Steller's Jays and squirrels fight over green hazelnuts.
- Douglas Squirrels drop fir cones to stash for winter.
- Rufous Hummingbirds depart the lowlands and begin their migration to Mexico.
- Yellow-bellied Marmots and Beldings Ground Squirrels begin their long winter hibernation.
- Flocks of Vaux’s Swifts migrate through. Watch them dive into chimneys to roost in the evening.
- Keep hummingbird feeders full. Rufous Hummingbirds will almost double their weight before migrating.
- Perseids Meteor shower is mid-month.